Transforming your global organization’s workplace culture can be a game-changer, leading to higher productivity, satisfied customers, and a more cohesive teams across all boarders. But getting there can be a challenge. Many organizations struggle with employee resistance, high turnover, and communication gaps, which can hinder progress and hurt the bottom line.

That’s where I come in. I believe that happiness is the new key to productivity, and I bring this philosophy to every coaching encounter, no matter where your team is located. With my curious, inquisitive, and non-judgmental approach, I help your team members buy into your message and work together to achieve common goals, regardless of cultural differences.

My coaching services are customized to fit your organization’s unique needs, ensuring that you get the support you need to create a workplace culture that fosters cooperation, motivation, and success in every region you operate in.

Don’t settle for a workplace that’s plagued by complacency, conflict, and turnover.

Take a look at the coaching options, keeping in mind that each of the services below are custom fit to your organization’s specific needs.



Your teams are your company’s nucleus, so it is vital to have every team member working to their full potential and maximizing their personal strengths while keeping the goals of the organization at the forefront.

Team Coaching helps your team embrace its common purpose, while guiding them to increased productivity, renewed energy, and clarified direction.

One approach is systemic team coaching, which is much like a 3-legged stool with each component having equal significance:

  1. How team members look at themselves
  2. How team members interact with each member of the team
  3. How team members interact with the team leader and organization as a whole

This is a powerful collaborative approach that gives everyone a common purpose and a sharper focus on collective leadership, breaking new ground in all areas of the team dynamic.

Here are a few possible team coaching scenarios:
  • Helping a team come together on a critical new assignment
  • Improving communication between team members
  • Resolving conflict between team members
  • Showing a team how to better traverse changing situations
  • Guiding team members to be on board with the company’s mission
  • Optimizing and mobilizing teams in the virtual/hybrid environment
  • Adapting to the demands of a fast-changing, hyper-complex world
  • Learning to navigate and embrace change – a must-have in an increasingly volatile, unpredictable, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world
Here are some of our outstanding results:
  • Teams are more confident in how they communicate with each other
  • Team members relay questions and concerns more efficiently with supervisors and fellow members
  • Accomplishments are recognized with more regularity
  • Conflicts and frustrations are minimized due to better communication
  • Teams are more motivated and optimistic
  • Team members are asking for new tasks and challenges
Team Up and Succeed: From One (Wo)Man Show to Team Power

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and professional team development as you learn the intricate aspects of teams and teamwork, and all the ways they impact your organization.

This robust program features a module on virtual and hybrid team environments.

This 5-month program includes:

  • Five (5) One-Day Group Sessions (One per month)
  • Number of participants: 6-8

Learn more here (PDF)

VK Team Coaching is ready to help your teams succeed at new levels.

Schedule a call and let us get everyone more connected.


This coaching option is an ideal way to encourage positive interactions in an intimate setting.

Whether it is to resolve a conflict between two or more direct colleagues, create a team out of a group, get constructive feedback on potentially controversial policies or procedures, or a number of other scenarios, VK Group Coaching is an excellent approach.

My clients have reported:
  • Improved group dynamics
  • Long-term conflict resolution
  • Positive reinforcement of performance
  • Retaining top talent

The latest group coaching programs include:

Own Your Career Ambition: Group Coaching for Women in Business

This program is all about personal empowerment and giving yourself permission to succeed in new ways and at higher levels.

If you know in your heart of hearts that you were meant for bigger things, then it is time to release your self-imposed limitations and discover what is out there with more confidence and urgency.

This 6-month program includes:

  • Six (6) One-Day Group Sessions (One per month)
  • Two (2) One-on-One Sessions
  • Number of participants: 6 people

Learn more here (PDF)

Deep Dive Into Career Happiness and Development: Group Coaching for Executive Specialists

As your roles and responsibilities continue to grow, it is crucial not only for your skills to grow, but also for your confidence and fulfillments levels to grow as well.

This immersive program will help you to understand and gain a stronger foothold on every aspect of your expanding role as an executive assistant in an ever changing and increasingly competitive landscape.

This 6-month program includes:

  • Six (6) One-Day Group Sessions (One per month)
  • One (1) One-on-One Session
  • Number of participants: 6

Learn more here (PDF)

Of course, your organization is unique, with its own set of challenges and initiatives to navigate, which is why we craft customized group-coaching options. Schedule a call to discuss your situation today!


If you are a leader in your organization looking for a more personal, one-on-one coaching experience, then this is the option for you.

You may have your own concerns and challenges with your leadership role, ranging from how to lead more effectively to how to not only accept but to embrace your leadership role.

I have a knack for getting to the core of your concerns quickly, and can guide you with proven techniques, providing you with tools and strategies to help you navigate your responsibilities with more finesse, courage, and confidence.

My clients have experienced results such as:
  • More willingness to accept and trust themselves
  • Increased self-confidence and self-assurance
  • Reduction in self-doubt and limiting beliefs
  • More poise in communication with direct reports and colleagues
  • Re-discovery of skills and abilities currently underutilized
  • Enhanced role as a people-centered leader


Being in a job that no longer feels right can leave you feeling helpless, frustrated, and demoralized.

Somewhere along the way, for any number of reasons (or maybe no reason at all), you lost the enthusiasm you once had for your position, and you feel it is time for a change.

Unfortunately, your employer may not be aware or supportive of these feelings, so you are left to your own devices as you search for a way out.

And here is the biggest challenge: There is a big difference between THINKING about taking action and actually DOING it.

So, you come up with a myriad of rationalizations for the status quo:
  • When I turn 30 (40 or 50…)
  • When my children start school
  • When my children finish school
  • When I get that next qualification
  • When the weather changes

…and the list goes on.

Or maybe you ARE taking action, but it feels like you are spinning your wheels with nothing to show for it while the clock is ticking. Staying in the same place is no longer an option.

This is where my private, individual coaching can guide you as you design your own life and career.

One important caveat: you must be ready to do the work. There will be learning, self-reflection, and real action taking. Your results will be proportionate to your efforts. And it will be SO worth it!

My clients have reported:
  • More fulfillment as they find the position they desired
  • More confidence as they start taking the necessary steps
  • More clarity on what they really want
  • More relief to have an empathetic sounding board

Schedule a call and to start taking action.

Bring Violetta’s work
to you or your team!

Bring Violetta’s work
to you or your team!


What Clients Are Saying

"I was pleased to get to know Violetta Krok in a difficult team coaching setup as well as in personal coaching. What makes Violetta stand out for me is that she can skillfully read between the lines and make the right comments, which in turn allow you to come to the crucial questions yourself.

In a disjointed team made up of alpha males, she managed to skillfully take on emotional situations, de-escalate them and turn the emotions into positive results.

She has a good instinct, that at first glance have nothing to do with the actual topic. At second glance, however, they are partly responsible for the current situation.

What is also significant for me is the experience she brings to the table and how quickly she manages to familiarize herself with topics that were initially completely foreign to her."

Chairman of the Works Council – Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

"Violetta is one of a kind. She certainly can help any expat learn and master the German language. But what really sets her apart, is her decade-long coaching experience ranging from pharma industry to public sector. She is kind, honest and empowering. She is also tough, unapologetic and accountable. You want her in your corner for sure, and I can say that after 4 years of continuous coaching, I will sorely miss our weekly reality checks!"

Dr. C.V., Ph.D.
Senior Scientist - Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

"Violetta is the perfect coach you are looking for. She is flexible and can adapt to your personality and your goals. She will not find the solution to your problems but will nicely guide you to find the way to solve them. Her level of energy and empathy is without any limit! Violetta was instrumental in the success a essential steps in my career and personal life and supported me on a very strategic projects to achieve my objectives. I would recommend her without any restriction."

Dr. F.M., Ph.D.
Senior Scientist - Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

"I’m fortunate to have worked with her over the past three years and she has been key in giving me the support I needed to make the bold decisions that really took my career in hi-tech to the next level, twice. I highly recommend working with Violetta if you need a top-notch ally by your side to achieve the next big goal in your professional journey. "

Team Leader - Tech Industry - USA

"You‘re looking for a professional coach? Be aware, Violetta is not the one for everyone ... why am I saying that? Well, I guess if you really want to get going, develop and grow your personality, hire her - she‘s the best and will kick your ... If you‘re looking for someone who is just „nice“, don‘t do it. Violetta will not accept lame excuses, long-winded speeches or the like - she WILL make you move! "

CEO - Quality Systems - Germany

"Violetta is definitely the kind of high energy level woman you want to have by your side. Always positive, full of endless resources and straight to the point. Violetta has definitely inspired me to drive my career to the very top, believe in me & find my happiness. She is a unique admirable business happy lady... Wanna be as successful and happy as I am today??? Then just get Violetta on board! "

Dr. S. P., Ph.D.
Senior Scientist - Pharmaceutical Industry - Switzerland

"I could use a lot of terms to describe the skills of Violetta and in which way it´s a great benefit collaborating with her but I realized that one single word summarizes what is guiding her: EMPATHY. "

Dr. F.M., Ph.D.
Senior Scientist – Pharmaceutical Industry – Germany

"Violetta, you are the best, most amazing, coolest coach/teacher/therapist ever!!!!"

Dr. E.S., Ph.D.
Senior Scientist – Pharmaceutical Industry – Germany

"Thank you, Violetta! You are an inspiration! "

Executive Assistant – Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

"Dear Violetta, Just a quick note to say thank you for the great time we had during the management assistance training ... Particularly the Saturdays with you as an instructor were amazing, and you helped us discover skills we never suspected we had ... You are such a charismatic woman with an amazing ability to encourage people, and with such a positive attitude ... You have made such an amazing, lasting impression on me, and I am very grateful to you for your positive energy. Such a pity that the training is already over. "

Manufacturing Industry - Germany

"I can only repeat what the other girls have said ... We had a great time, with lots of support, information, instructive contents ... and what was never missing in your lectures was that we all had a lot of fun and were highly motivated. As far as I am concerned, I would not mind monthly coaching sessions ... "

Virtual Assistant – Germany

"Thanks to her charismatic personality, Violetta has no problem at all to engage all participants in her seminar right from the start. Right from the first minute, it was clear, this woman knows what she is talking about, and that it will be more than just theoretical knowledge that gets imparted. Her enthusiasm spreads easily to all the participants and the mutual interactions do not permit boredom to take hold even for a minute. "

Executive Assistant – Public Sector - Germany

"I highly recommend Violetta as a language coach. She is extremely personable, always engaging and encouraging, and has deftly guided me through the hurdles of the German language. I feel that her unique combination of patience and persistence, and her ability to relate to my experience as an expatriate has really helped me to maintain the learning pace needed to acquire the language and use it in my daily life, even in the midst of trying to balance the competing demands of work and family life."

Dr. G.L., Ph.D.
Senior Scientist – Pharmaceutical Industry – Germany

"I wanted to thank you, by the way: Because the statement “YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STAY HERE” has helped me immensely and encouraged me to take the first steps towards leaving my company, checking out the job market and reviewing my qualifications, and to dare step out of my “comfort” zone! "

Executive Assistant – Germany

"I have just received the training results. I am completely stunned. Many thanks, I have not taken it in yet. You have given me so much, thanks again!"

Executive Assistant – Engineering Works – Germany

"My assistant is one my most valuable assets. Her ability to professionally manage my (and others’) needs has direct and deep consequences for my ability to deliver results and on how I am regarded by others. She is already quite a strong performer, and so the coaching program is a both a recognition of her talent and also a development investment to take her performance to the next level. "

Dr. A.M., Ph.D.
Supervisor to an Executive Assistant - Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

"It was truly enriching – one of the best seminars/continuing education courses that I have ever attended. The coaching is fantastic, and Violetta Krok is unique."

Executive Assistant - Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

"I suddenly realized what impact my behavior and my thoughts had on myself and my surroundings. We were given tools that brought calmness to the way I think, feel and act. I have never experienced such team work. The time is ripe - and so am I - for new things, new thoughts and new emotions. The coaching helped me to let go. I would recommend coaching to everybody who faces life changes, who has to change directions. The coaching results can be felt and seen. Violetta's coaching fosters development on a personal and professional level."

Executive Assistant - Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

"What did you do with them? This team is like an amazing clockwork. And they can read my mind. "

Dr. J.M., Ph.D.
Supervisor to an Executive Assistant Team - Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

"The classes were immensely exciting, amazingly well put together with different presentation tools and full of valuable content. You are absolutely amazing, and that makes you stand out!"

Automotive Industry - Germany

"It’s been an incredible journey learning from you! Thanks for walking me through the language and the culture in the past year, plus many local tips! It’s been a tremendous journey for our family, and I very much appreciate we can communicate with you. "

Dr. Z.D., Ph.D.
Senior Scientist - Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

"I have been taking language training with Violetta for one and a half years now.
What makes it so amazing is the way she is able to share her knowledge, embracing her passion for her work while teaching a language and culture. And not only with everyday life topics we are challenged with while getting integrated in a new country and culture but with added interesting work-related skills. A full package! Yes, there are a lot of professionals in this area, but only a few can evolve us in a way that brings us to learn more than a language, but also makes us discover matters which we can bring for our entire professional and personal life. More than grateful! "

Executive Assistant - Pharmaceutical Industry - Germany

List of Clients

  • Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
  • Sanomed Gesundheits- und Sportnahrungsmittel GmbH
  • Wieland Werke AG
  • PERI Vertrieb Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
  • SSV Ulm 1846 Fussball
  • Diehl Aviation GmbH
  • ACD Elektronik GmbH
  • Colep Laupheim GmbH
  • Georg Schlegel GmbH und Co. KG
  • Bästlein Gebrauchtmaschinen GmbH
  • Brunel GmbH
  • Transporeon GmbH & Co. KG
  • First Fit GmbH & Co. KG
  • Prinzing GmbH
  • WEH GmbH

Violetta Krok

Professional Development Coach + Trainer

VK Business Communication Solutions | Ulm | Germany